Terms of Service

Submitting Content

All content submitted to the website must be written by yourself. If you did not write the story, you may not submit it to the website. No copyrighted material should be submitted to the website for any reason. Any content found to be breaking this rule will be removed without notice.

All content submitted to the website should be works of fiction. Please do not include personal information about yourself or any other person in content you submit.

Content submitted to this website should not include sexually explicit content or overly graphic violence. Any content found to be inappropriate will be removed without notice.

By submitting content to the website, you are licensing it under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please follow the link for more information about this license. The license allows other people to copy, share, and adapt your story for any purpose, including commercially. If you do not wish to have your content under this license, do not submit it to this website.

Content submitted to this website may be adapted into video format and posted on Youtube. By submitting your content to this website, you are accepting that this may happen. If you do not want to have your story adapted into a video, do not submit it to this website.

We reserve the right to modify or delete any content submitted to this website, for any reason, without warning or notification.

Privacy Policy

Information gathered from visitors

This website may collect non-personal information from visitors, such as their IP address, browser type, referring page, and time of visit. In addition, this website uses cookies to remember visitor preferences and information when using the website.

We do not collect any personal contact information from you besides the information listed above, and we will not contact you or share any personal information about you with any person or company. However, any content you submit to our website will be publicly available. Please do not submit any personal details to this website.


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